Configure your style preferences in firebender.json to ensure consistent AI behavior across your team and codebase.

You no longer need to keep re-prompting AI on guidelines for how to write code.

Example: Food delivery app

1. Open any android project in Android Studio, and copy this file to your project root: $projectRoot/firebender.json.

  "rules": [
    "Project is a food delivery app (Doordash)",
    "Never use runBlocking",
    "Don't hardcode dpi",
    "Use `@SerializedName` for data/retrofit classes because code gets obfuscated",
    "Use Kotest framework/BDD for tests",
    "Follow Material Design 3 guidelines and components",
    "Use Kotlin coroutines and Flow for asynchronous operations"
  "ignore": [

2. Open AI chat and say “hi”

Notice that your food delivery app project was acknowledged by Firebender Chat! This means that AI is aware of the rules configured.

Rules apply to all features of Firebender such as autocomplete, chat, and inline AI changes

3. Ignoring files with ignore

In the example, we prevent Firebender from analyzing any file for Autocomplete, Inline AI Changes, and Chat, unless explicitly requested (see more)